Source code for xyalign.utils

# Part of XYalign
# Collection of miscellaneous functions

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pybedtools
import time
# Matplotlib needs to be called in this way to set the display variable
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
matplotlib.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42

# Create logger for utils submodule
utils_logger = logging.getLogger("xyalign.utils")

[docs]def validate_external_prog(prog_path, prog_name): """ Checks to see if external program can be called using provided path Parameters ---------- prog_path: path to call program prog_name: name of program Returns ------- int 0 """ try: a = subprocess.Popen( [prog_path], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) "{} successfully called using path: {}".format(prog_name, prog_path)) except OSError as e: utils_logger.error( "ERROR: {} not available from path: {}".format(prog_name, prog_path)) logging.shutdown() raise OSError("ERROR: {} not available from path: {}".format( prog_name, prog_path)) return 0
[docs]def validate_dir(parent_dir, dir_name): """ Checks if directory exists and if not, creates it. Parameters ---------- parent_dir : Parent directory name dir_name : Name of the new directory Returns ------- bool whether the directory existed """ full_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, dir_name) exists = os.path.exists(full_path) if not exists: os.makedirs(full_path) return exists
[docs]def check_bam_fasta_compatibility(bam_object, fasta_object): """ Checks to see if bam and fasta sequence names and lengths are equivalent (i.e., if it is likely that the bam file was generated using the fasta in question). Parameters ---------- bam_object : BamFile() object fasta_object: RefFasta() object Returns ------- bool True if sequence names and lengths match. False otherwise. """ "Checking compatibility of {} and {}".format( bam_object.filepath, fasta_object.filepath)) b_names = bam_object.chromosome_names() f_names = fasta_object.chromosome_names() b_lengths = bam_object.chromosome_lengths() f_lengths = fasta_object.chromosome_lengths() if b_lengths == f_lengths: if b_names == f_names:"Bam and Fasta are compatible") return True else: utils_logger.error( "Bam and Fasta are incompatible. Sequence lengths are identical " "but names are not. Check chromosome ids to ensure compatibility. " "{} ids are: {}\n" "{} ids are: {}".format( bam_object.filepath, b_names, fasta_object.filepath, f_names)) return False else: utils_logger.error( "Bam and Fasta are incompatible. Check sequence names and lengths " "to ensure correct fasta was used as input. Chromosome ids and " "lengths for {} are:\n" "{}\n" "Chromosome ids and lengths for {} are:\n" "{}".format( bam_object.filepath, zip(b_names, b_lengths), fasta_object.filepath, zip(f_names, f_lengths))) return False
[docs]def check_compatibility_bam_list(bam_obj_list): """ Checks to see if bam sequence names and lengths are equivalent (i.e., if it is likely that the bam files were generated using the same reference genome). Parameters ---------- bam_obj_list : list List of bam.BamFile() objects Returns ------- bool True if sequence names and lengths match. False otherwise. """ "Checking compatibility of: ".format( ", ".join([x.filepath for x in bam_obj_list]))) seq_names = [x.chromosome_names() for x in bam_obj_list] seq_lengths = [x.chromosome_lengths() for x in bam_obj_list] # Checking for ANY incompatibility uniq_seq_names = [x for x in seq_names if x != seq_names[0]] uniq_seq_lens = [x for x in seq_lengths if x != seq_lengths[0]] if len(uniq_seq_names) == 0 and len(uniq_seq_lens) == 0: return True else:"Bam files contain different headers.") return False
[docs]def merge_bed_files(output_file, *bed_files): """ This function simply takes an output_file (full path to desired output file) and an arbitrary number of external bed files (including full path), and merges the bed files into the output_file Parameters ---------- output_file : str Full path to and name of desired output bed file *bed_files Variable length argument list of external bed files (include full path) Returns ------- str path to output_file """ merged_bed_start = time.time()"Merging bed files: {}".format( " ".join(bed_files))) a = pybedtools.BedTool(bed_files[0]) for i in bed_files[1:]: b = c = b.sort().merge() c.saveas(output_file) "Merging bed files complete. Elapsed time: {} seconds".format( time.time() - merged_bed_start)) return output_file
[docs]def make_region_lists_genome_filters( depthAndMapqDf, mapqCutoff, min_depth, max_depth): """ Filters a pandas dataframe for mapq and depth based on using all values from across the entire genome Parameters ---------- depthAndMapqDf : pandas dataframe Must have 'depth' and 'mapq' columns mapqCutoff : int The minimum mapq for a window to be considered high quality min_depth : float Fraction of mean to set as minimum depth max_depth : float Multiple of mean to set as maximum depth Returns ------- tuple (passing dataframe, failing dataframe) """ make_region_lists_start = time.time() depth_mean = depthAndMapqDf["depth"].mean() depth_sd = depthAndMapqDf["depth"].std() depthMin = depth_mean * min_depth depthMax = depth_mean * max_depth "Filtering dataframe for mapq (MAPQ >= {}) " "and depth (between {} and {})".format( mapqCutoff, depthMin, depthMax)) good = ( (depthAndMapqDf["mapq"] >= mapqCutoff) & (depthAndMapqDf["depth"] > depthMin) & (depthAndMapqDf["depth"] < depthMax)) dfGood = depthAndMapqDf[good] dfBad = depthAndMapqDf[~good]"Filtering complete. Elapsed time: {} seconds".format( time.time() - make_region_lists_start)) return (dfGood, dfBad)
[docs]def make_region_lists_chromosome_filters( depthAndMapqDf, mapqCutoff, min_depth, max_depth): """ Filters a pandas dataframe for mapq and depth based on thresholds calculated per chromosome Parameters ---------- depthAndMapqDf : pandas dataframe Must have 'depth' and 'mapq' columns mapqCutoff : int The minimum mapq for a window to be considered high quality min_depth : float Fraction of mean to set as minimum depth max_depth : float Multiple of mean to set as maximum depth Returns ------- tuple (passing dataframe, failing dataframe) """ make_region_lists_start = time.time() "Calculating filtering thresholds for mapq and depth on a per " "chromosome basis") indices = np.unique(depthAndMapqDf.chrom, return_index=True)[1] ordered_chrom_list = [ depthAndMapqDf.chrom[index] for index in sorted(indices)] good_list = [] bad_list = [] for i in ordered_chrom_list: df = depthAndMapqDf.loc[depthAndMapqDf["chrom"] == i] depth_mean = df["depth"].mean() depth_sd = df["depth"].std() depthMin = depth_mean * min_depth depthMax = depth_mean * max_depth "Filtering chromosome {} for mapq (MAPQ >= {}) " "and depth (between {} and {})".format( i, mapqCutoff, depthMin, depthMax)) good = ( (df["chrom"] == i) & (df["mapq"] >= mapqCutoff) & (df["depth"] > depthMin) & (df["depth"] < depthMax)) good_list.append(df[good]) bad_list.append(df[~good]) dfGood = pd.concat(good_list) dfBad = pd.concat(bad_list)"Filtering complete. Elapsed time: {} seconds".format( time.time() - make_region_lists_start)) return (dfGood, dfBad)
[docs]def output_bed(outBed, *regionDfs): """ Concatenate and merges dataframes into an output bed file Parameters ---------- outBed : str The full path to and name of the output bed file *regionDfs Variable length list of dataframes to be included Returns ------- int 0 """ dfComb = pd.concat(regionDfs) regionList = dfComb.ix[:, "chrom":"stop"].values.tolist() merge = pybedtools.BedTool(regionList).sort().merge() with open(outBed, 'w') as output: output.write(str(merge)) return 0
[docs]def output_bed_no_merge(outBed, *regionDfs): """ Concatenate dataframes into an output bed file. This will preserve all columns after the first three as well. Parameters ---------- outBed : str The full path to and name of the output bed file *regionDfs Variable length list of dataframes to be included Returns ------- int 0 """ dfComb = pd.concat(regionDfs) regionList = dfComb.ix[:,:].values.tolist() regionList_str = [[str(y) for y in x] for x in regionList] sorted = pybedtools.BedTool(regionList_str).sort() with open(outBed, 'w') as output: output.write(str(sorted)) return 0
[docs]def chromosome_wide_plot( chrom, positions, y_value, measure_name, sampleID, output_prefix, MarkerSize, MarkerAlpha, Xlim, Ylim, x_scale=1000000): """ Plots values across a chromosome, where the x axis is the position along the chromosome and the Y axis is the value of the measure of interest. Parameters ---------- chrom : str Name of the chromosome positions : numpy array Genomic coordinates y_value : numpy array The values of the measure of interest measure_name : str The name of the measure of interest (y axis title) sampleID : str The name of the sample output_prefix : str Full path to and prefix of desired output plot MarkerSize : float Size in points^2 MarkerAlpha : float Transparency (0 to 1) Xlim : float Maximum X value Ylim : float Maximum Y value x_scale : int Divide all x values (including Xlim) by this value. Default is 1000000 (1MB) Returns ------- int 0 """ if "x" in chrom.lower(): Color = "green" elif "y" in chrom.lower(): Color = "blue" else: Color = "red" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) axes = fig.add_subplot(111) positions = np.divide(positions, float(x_scale)) axes.scatter( positions, y_value, c=Color, alpha=MarkerAlpha, s=MarkerSize, lw=0) axes.set_xlim(0, (Xlim / float(x_scale))) axes.set_ylim(0, Ylim) axes.set_title("%s - %s" % (sampleID, chrom)) if x_scale == 1000000: scale_label = "(MB)" elif x_scale == 1000: scale_label = "(KB)" elif x_scale == 1: scale_label = "(BP)" else: scale_label = "(divided by {})".formatt(x_scale) axes.set_xlabel("Chromosomal Position {}".format(scale_label)) axes.set_ylabel(measure_name) plt.savefig("{}_{}_{}_GenomicScatter.pdf".format( output_prefix, chrom, measure_name), transparent=True) # plt.savefig("{}_{}_{}_GenomicScatter.svg".format( # output_prefix, chrom, measure_name)) # plt.savefig("{}_{}_{}_GenomicScatter.png".format( # output_prefix, chrom, measure_name)) plt.close(fig) return 0
[docs]def hist_array(chrom, value_array, measure_name, sampleID, output_prefix): """ Plots a histogram of an array of values of interest. Intended for mapq and depth, but generalizeable. Separate function from variants.hist_read_balance because that function eliminates fixed variants, while this function will plot all values. Parameters ---------- chrom : str Name of the chromosome value_array : numpy array Read balance values measure_name : str The name of the measure of interest (y axis title) sampleID : str Sample name or id to include in the plot title output_prefix : str Desired prefix (including full path) of the output files Returns ------- int 0 if plotting successful, 1 otherwise. """ if len(value_array) < 1: "No {} values on {} to plot histogram. Skipping.".format( measure_name, chrom)) return 1 else: value_array = value_array[~np.isnan(value_array)] if "x" in chrom.lower(): Color = "green" elif "y" in chrom.lower(): Color = "blue" else: Color = "red" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) axes = fig.add_subplot(111) axes.set_title("{} - {}".format(sampleID, chrom)) axes.set_xlabel("{}".format(measure_name)) axes.set_ylabel("Frequency") axes.hist(value_array, bins=50, color=Color) plt.savefig("{}_{}_{}_Hist.pdf".format( output_prefix, chrom, measure_name), transparent=True) # plt.savefig("{}_{}_{}_Hist.svg".format(output_prefix, chrom, measure_name)) # plt.savefig("{}_{}_{}_Hist.png".format(output_prefix, chrom, measure_name)) plt.close(fig) "{} histogram of {} complete.".format(measure_name, chrom)) return 0
[docs]def plot_depth_mapq( window_df, output_prefix, sampleID, chrom_length, MarkerSize, MarkerAlpha, x_scale=1000000): """ Creates histograms and genome-wide plots of various metrics. Parameters ---------- window_df : pandas dataframe Columns must include chrom, start, depth, and mapq (at least) output_prefix : str Path and prefix of output files to create sampleID : str Sample ID chrom_length: int Length of chromosome x_scale : int Divide all x values (including Xlim) by this value for chromosome_wide_plot. Default is 1000000 (1MB) Returns ------- int 0 """ chromosome = window_df["chrom"][1] # Create genome-wide plots based on window means if window_df is not None: # depth plot chromosome_wide_plot( chromosome, window_df["start"].values, window_df["depth"].values, "Depth", sampleID, output_prefix, MarkerSize, MarkerAlpha, chrom_length, 100, x_scale) hist_array( chromosome, window_df["depth"], "Depth", sampleID, output_prefix) # mapping quality plot chromosome_wide_plot( chromosome, window_df["start"].values, window_df["mapq"].values, "Mapq", sampleID, output_prefix, MarkerSize, MarkerAlpha, chrom_length, 80, x_scale) hist_array( chromosome, window_df["mapq"], "Mapq", sampleID, output_prefix) return 0
[docs]def before_after_plot( chrom, positions, values_before, values_after, measure_name, sampleID, output_prefix, MarkerSize, MarkerAlpha, Xlim, YMin="auto", YMax="auto", x_scale=1000000, Color="black"): """ Plots difference between before/after values (after minus before) across a chromosome. Parameters ---------- chrom : str Name of the chromosome positions : numpy array Genomic coordinates values_before : numpy array The values of the measure of interest in the "before" condidtion values_after : numpy array The values of the measure of interest in the "after" condidtion measure_name : str The name of the measure of interest (for y-axis title) sampleID : str The name of the sample output_prefix : str Full path to and prefix of desired output plot MarkerSize : float Size in points^2 MarkerAlpha : float Transparency (0 to 1) Xlim : float Maximum X value YMin : str, int, or float If "auto", will allow matplotlib to automatically determine limit. Otherwise, will set the y axis minimum to the value provided (int or float) YMax : str, int, or float If "auto", will allow matplotlib to automatically determine limit. Otherwise, will set the y axis maximum to the value provided (int or float) x_scale : int Divide all x values (including Xlim) by this value. Default is 1000000 (1MB) Color : str Color to use for points. See matplotlib documentation for acceptable options Returns ------- int 0 if plotting successful, 1 otherwise """ # Check that lengths are identical if len(values_before) != len(values_after): utils_logger.error( "Error. values_before and values_after must have the same length") return 1 else: value_array = np.nan_to_num(values_after) - np.nan_to_num(values_before) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) axes = fig.add_subplot(111) positions = np.divide(positions, float(x_scale)) axes.scatter( positions, value_array, c=Color, alpha=MarkerAlpha, s=MarkerSize, lw=0) axes.set_xlim(0, (Xlim / float(x_scale))) if YMin != "auto": if "." in YMin: YMin = float(YMin) else: YMin = int(YMin) if YMax != "auto": if "." in YMax: YMax = float(YMax) else: YMax = int(YMax) axes.ylim((YMin, YMax)) else: axes.ylim(ymin=YMin) elif YMax != "auto": if "." in YMax: YMax = float(YMax) else: YMax = int(YMax) axes.ylim(ymax=YMax) axes.set_title("%s - %s" % (sampleID, chrom)) if x_scale == 1000000: scale_label = "(MB)" elif x_scale == 1000: scale_label = "(KB)" elif x_scale == 1: scale_label = "(BP)" else: scale_label = "(divided by {})".formatt(x_scale) axes.set_xlabel("Chromosomal Position {}".format(scale_label)) axes.set_ylabel("Difference in {}".format(measure_name)) plt.savefig("{}_{}_{}_BeforeAfterScatter.pdf".format( output_prefix, chrom, measure_name), transparent=True) # plt.savefig("{}_{}_{}_BeforeAfterScatter.svg".format( # output_prefix, chrom, measure_name)) # plt.savefig("{}_{}_{}_BeforeAfterScatter.png".format( # output_prefix, chrom, measure_name)) plt.close(fig) return 0